FOIA Request
FOIA Officer for the Village of Crestwood: Patrick Woytek
The Village of Crestwood is committed to ensuring access to information about your government.
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Form listed below will help us with the primary goal of assisting you in expediently locating information about our government which may be of specific interest to you.
General Information about the Village of Crestwood, Illinois (Policy Chart)

We encourage you to provide us with as much information as possible on the subject matter you are seeking, as this will assist us in the processing of your request. The Village of Crestwood offers two options for submitting a FOIA Request, a printable form or electronic/digital form submission. Please click your preferred FOIA Request Form option below;
1. FOIA Request Form- Printable
Click the "FOIA Request Form-Printable" link to download and then print. Completed forms should be emailed directly to the Village FOIA Officer at Patrick Woytek at or faxed to (708) 448-8140.
2. FOIA Request Form-Electronic/Digital Submission
Electronic/Digital Submission Form Instructions: All form fields must be completed and a digital/electronic signature included. Save a copy of your completed form before clicking the "Click Here to Submit Form" button. Then select the email method (Outlook, Gmail, etc.) to send the form.
Completed FOIA Request Forms can also be mailed/dropped off in-person at Village Hall;
ATTN: FOIA Officer
Village of Crestwood
13800 S. Cicero Avenue
Crestwood, IL 60418